Government and Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

Pharaohs were the political and religious leaders of Ancient Egypt. They ruled through dynasties, where power was transferred from one family member to another, usually the sons or declared heirs of the preceding Pharaoh. There were about 332 pharaohs that we know of today.
The main responsibility of the pharaoh was to maintain peace and harmony in Egypt. Warfare was an essential aspect of the rule of pharaoh, especially when it was seen as necessary for the restoration of balance and harmony in the land.

Additionally, the pharaoh had a sacred duty to defend the border of the land, but also to attack neighboring countries for natural resources if it was thought to be in the best interest of Egypt.
The funds the government needed for massive projects such as the construction of pyramids came from trade and official taxes. The pharaoh was the leader of the Ancient Egyptian Government and their word was the law of the land.
Pharaohs were famous for building amazing structures, expanding the borders of Egypt, and making Egypt a powerful empire during their reign.
One of the most famous pharaohs from the “Old Kingdom” of Egypt was Khufu, who reigned from 2589-2566 BCE.
During Khufu's rule, he had the largest and tallest pyramids built in Egypt. His pyramid, the Great Pyramid of Giza, was constructed over a 27-year period and still stands today. It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one to remain intact.
The next major period in Ancient Egypt was the New Kingdom, which lasted from about 1570 - 1544 BCE. Major pharaohs of this era include Amenhotep I, Hatshepsut, Thutmose, Akhenaten, and Ramses II.
Amenhotep I ruled Egypt from 1526-1506 BCE. During his reign he led expeditions into Nubia, Canaan, Mesopotamia, and Kush.
Important technology like the water clock was invented during his reign. He was also the first pharaoh to separate his tomb from his mortuary temple.

Queen Hatshepsut ruled as pharaoh from 1478-1458 BCE, making her theĀ longest reigning female pharaoh in Egypt. She brought peace and prosperity to her kingdom and is considered to be one of the most successful pharaohs.
Hatshepsut's successor, Thutmose III, succeeded in pushing Egypt's borders farther than they had ever been before.
Thutmose III was Hatshepsut's nephew and reigned from 1479-1425 BCE. He led at least 17 military campaigns, conquering territory from Syria to Upper Nubia. As he conquered, Thutmose III had over 50 temples constructed across his empire. He also led a great expansion of the Karnak Temple Complex.
Pharaoh Akhenaten ruled from 1353-1336 BCE and is famous for changing the traditional religion from the worship of many gods to the worship of a single god named Aten. However, this shift was reversed after his death and the worship of many traditional gods returned.
Ramesses II, also known as Ramesses the Great reigned from 1279-1213 BCE and was the third ruler of Egypt's 19th Dynasty.
At the start of his reign, Ramesses focused on building cities, temples, and monuments. He established a new capital city for his empire at Pi-Ramesses in the Nile River Delta region.
He then led military campaigns against the Hittites, Syrians, Libyans, and Nubians. He also expanded the Egyptian empire and secured its borders against outside attackers.

The 20th Dynasty was the last dynasty of pharaohs, and it saw a series of bickering heirs fighting for the throne. Egypt also suffered droughts, below-normal flooding of the Nile, famine, and civil unrest during this period.
The power of the last pharaoh of the dynasty, Ramesses XI, grew so weak that temple priests became de facto rulers of Upper Egypt. Egypt then fell into what is known as the Third Intermediate Period.