Greek Mythology

Religion was an important aspect of Ancient Greek life. Ancient Greeks were polytheistic, meaning that they believed in multiple gods and goddesses.
These gods and goddesses were believed to control nature and guide each person’s life. The gods were so significant in Ancient Greek culture that the Greeks built monuments, statues, and other buildings to honor them.
They also practiced rituals to show their respect and to please the gods. They also believed by doing this that it would secure their good fortune and win the favor of the gods. Other common practices were building altars, praying, presenting gifts, and dedicating festivals to honor the gods. In fact, the Olympics was originally a festival created to honor the god Zeus. The games were named the Olympics because it was held in the city of Olympia.

There were many gods and goddesses the Ancient Greeks venerated, but there were a few of particular importance.
Zeus was believed to be the king of the gods. He was also worshipped as the god of the sky, weather, law and order, destiny, fate, and kingship.Â
Hera was the queen of the gods. She was the goddess of marriage, women, the sky, and the stars of heaven.
Athena was the goddess of wisdom, heroic endeavors, weaving, pottery, and crafts, which were all seen as very important elements of daily life in Ancient Greece. In her statues and monuments, she is depicted as a stately woman of dignity.Â
Apollo was the god of oracles, music, song, poetry, archery, healing, plagues, and was considered a protector of young people. He was depicted in art forms as being a handsome, beardless young man.
Artemis was the goddess of hunting, wilderness, childbirth, and wild animals. She was believed to be the protectress of girls up until they reached marrying age.
Aphrodite was an Olympian goddess. She was the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. She was always shown in statues and other depictions as being a beautiful woman.
The Greeks believed that these gods and goddesses worked together to control people’s lives and the universe. The Ancient Greeks wanted to please the gods and honor them so that the gods would not allow any misfortune to enter into their lives.