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By purchasing a monthly subscription, you agree to a recurring monthly charge until you cancel. Memberships can be cancelled any time by the user through the account settings. Due to the digital nature of these resources, all purchases are nonrefundable. 


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US History Subscription

Never stress about US History planning again with this monthly subscription. Signing up gives you immediate access to our entire US History Curriculum. Stay as long as you like and cancel anytime.

You will be charged each month on the same date as you signed up. You can cancel any time by following the steps in the FAQ here


What People Are Saying:

I wish there was an option to give this product an A+. Thank you for sharing all of your hard work and making US History as fun and interesting as it should be. AMAZING product!! Well worth the $$. THANKS!!!!

Kimberly T.

Fabulous! As the lone teacher for 3 different grades of social studies in a small school, this is a fabulous resource for me. Not only does it provide primary sources with guided questions, it provides powerpoints, worksheets, and interactive workbook pages. I am no longer going crazy trying to develop lessons for all of my classes, have awesome new ideas from which to build (next year- interactive notebook for jr. high!), and the seller is unbelievably responsive to all queries and questions. Worth every penny for me! Thank you!!!

Karen R.

It is not often that a person can come across materials that are both engaging and educational with regards to Social Studies. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing life back into my classroom, my students enjoy the lessons and they enjoy the fact that we are no longer only using the textbook to learn. Please continue developing wonderful and practical materials for the classroom. :)

Nadia V.

The full curriculum has changed my classroom. Engagement has gone up, inquiry is at its highest ever, I'm able to use these activities to supplement the "top" activities I've always done. I highly recommend this product!

Brian H.