Technology in Ancient Rome

The excellence of Roman engineering and construction stands the test of time as many of their buildings and structures are still standing and in use today.
They contributed to engineering in the development of roads, use of architectural techniques and materials, and the construction of civil infrastructure such as the aqueducts. Much of this technology was the foundation for the engineering used to build today’s greatest cities.Â
One of the most significant developments within the Roman Empire was the establishment of aqueducts. Aqueducts were channels that brought clean water from springs and rivers to Roman towns and cities.
The aqueducts were built throughout the empire and totaled over 258 miles in length. Aqueducts ran both above and below ground and were even built on top of bridges.
They were also used to irrigate farms and carry away wastewater. This invention’s impact can still be seen today as contemporary plumbing and sanitation systems are derived from a rediscovery of the Roman aqueducts.

Since the Roman Empire covered such vast expanses, they had to come up with an efficient way to travel and move their products, so they constructed roads. The roads were solid and built to withstand even the harshest environments and flooding. They crossed throughout the empire, leading to the popular phrase “all roads lead to Rome." They allowed legions and merchants to move quickly. Many of these roads are still used today.
Roman structures were durable due to their innovative use of concrete. They made concrete by combining lime and volcanic ash to create a liquid which formed a stronger material when set. The secret to their self-repairing concrete recipe was only recently discovered. Many of the Roman structures that are still standing today were built using this concrete.
With the usage of this material, Romans were able to create new architectural designs such as the arch. The arch was a curved structure that Romans used to build. It could support massive weight because it was built with concrete and a keystone. The keystone was the final stone that would lock the other blocks in the arch into place.
During this period, Julius Caesar created the Julian Calendar. The calendar was created in 46 BCE to keep in line with the seasons. The new Julian Calendar made the year exactly 365 days long with a leap year every four years as compared to the old 355-day calendar. This calendar was widely in use until 1582 CE and is the precursor to the calendar that we use today.