The Monroe Doctrine

As a young nation, the United States sought to assert itself as a legitimate country at the global level. One that needed to be taken seriously and listened to.
An early example of American asserting itself is the Monroe Doctrine. The Monroe Doctrine was put forth in 1823 during President James Monroe's 7th annual State of the Union Address to Congress. It established one of America's first major foreign policies.
At this time, many colonies in the Western Hemisphere and Latin America were gaining their independence from European empires.
Some European monarchies were planning to help countries like Spain and Portugal reclaim their colonies. Afraid that this might happen to them, The United States wanted to make sure that the European powers would not try to regain control over the Americas.
In 1823, President Monroe announced that the American continents would no longer be colonized by European powers in the future and the U.S. would not interfere in the internal affairs between European countries. Monroe asserted that the New World and the Old World were to remain distinctly separate spheres of influence.

Further, President Monroe warned that any efforts from European powers to take back their colonies would be considered, “dangerous to our peace and safety.”
This doctrine was not taken seriously at first by other countries. Countries such as France felt that the U.S. had no right to make such bold statements.
However, the U.S. maintained the Monroe Doctrine and used it as a basis for many foreign policy issues even up to the 1980’s.
The Monroe Doctrine was important in showing the United States as a new world power and protector of freedom and independence in the Americas.