The Congress of Vienna

The French defeat in Belgium at the Battle of Waterloo dealt a significant blow to Napoleon Bonaparte. After his defeat, leaders and diplomats from all over Europe had to decide what their next moves would be.
They converged and met in Austria, where they formed the Congress of Vienna from 1814-1815. The purpose of the Congress of Vienna was to establish peace and a balance of power in the wake of Napoleonā€™s abdication, or his stepping down from the throne.
The major countries represented in the Congress of Vienna were England, Austria, Prussia, and Russia, the same nations that had prepared themselves for war with Napoleonā€™s forces while he was conquering areas of Europe.
One goal the Congress had was to contain France after the Napoleonic Wars so as to restore order and balance. Franceā€™s borders were thus restored to their size from 1792, before Napoleon gained power. Any territories that were taken by Napoleon between 1795-1810 were swiftly returned.

The representatives also wanted not only a balance of land control, but a balance of power among the European nations, as well. Germany was strengthened by combining more than 200 states into a 39-state confederation. The German Confederation, however, was not a strong body and would eventually dissolve within years.
It was also widely believed that the more legitimate rulers of Europe should be the ones in power. Traditional monarchs in France, Austria, England, and Russia were allowed to maintain their power within their countries. This move was known as the Conservative Order and was done to contain any potential outbreaks of revolt and revolution and to restore order.
After the bloodshed of the French Revolution and the subsequent Napoleonic Wars, those who were present at the Congress made it clear that an important goal was the preservation of peace and stability throughout Europe.
Larger, more powerful nations were tasked with overseeing this goal, and throughout the Congress, territories and positions were given out to the countries in attendance. Russia, for instance, gained control over Poland and was allowed to keep Finland, while various individuals were restored to their high-ranking positions. For nearly 40 years, the peace and diplomacy achieved at this Congress would last in Europe.