The Trans-Saharan Gold-Salt Trade

Trans-Saharan Trade, also known as the Gold-Salt Trade, was an extensive network of trade routes that linked the Mediterranean world with West Africa during the Middle Ages.
The trade routes facilitated the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between the people of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. This played a significant role in shaping the economies, societies, and cultures of the civilizations that were connected.
The trade network gets its names from its paths crossing the Sahara Desert and from the most popular goods traded (gold and salt). However, it was not a single, continuous route, but rather a complex network of interconnected routes that stretched thousands of miles.

The trade route began in the West African gold mines that were controlled by a series of empires over the span of 1,000 years, including the Kingdom of Ghana, the Mali Empire, and the Songhai Empire.
The routes then extended north through salt mining towns like Taghaza before reaching the Mediterranean coastal cities of North Africa, such as Tunis and Tripoli. From there, goods were traded into Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
In addition to gold and salt, a wide range of goods were transported along these trade routes. This includes ivory, spices, textiles, weapons, and enslaved people.
Gold was mined in West Africa and was highly valued across the world. Salt was a vital commodity that was used for preserving food.
Enslaved people were often captured in Sub-Saharan Africa and brought north and sold to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern civilizations. African rulers unable to resist the slave trade acted as middlemen, rounding up members of nearby villages to be sold to demanding merchants.
The Trans-Saharan Trade Route was instrumental in the development of the civilizations that participated in it. The trade route facilitated the exchange of ideas and cultures between the people of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
This led to the development of new technologies, art, and architecture. The trade route also facilitated the spread of Islam in West Africa, which had a significant impact on the region's religious and cultural practices.
The Kingdom of Ghana controlled the West African gold mines in the 6th century and became a major center of trade, exporting gold and ivory to North Africa and Europe in exchange for salt, textiles, and other goods.
The Mali Empire emerged in the 13th century and became one of the most prosperous civilizations along the route. One of its rulers, Mansa Musa, is considered the richest man in history due to his control of both the gold and salt mines in West Africa.
The Songhai Empire rose after the fall of the Mali Empire in the 15th century and expanded the trade routes even further.